Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pear Salad

We had this scrumptious salad for lunch today before church. It was filling and light and wonderful!

1/2 pound spinach (or more)
3-4 fresh pears, diced
1/2 c raisins
1/2 c raw shredded coconut
sprinkling of raw sesame seeds
1/2 c chopped raw almonds

Mix and use a sweet dressing. We used this one:
1/2 cup raw honey
1/2 c raw apple cider vinegar
1 c olive oil
1 T mustard
1 t sea salt
1/2 c onion
1/2 c alfalfa and red clover sprouts
Blend all together in your high powered blender and then add 1 T poppy seeds.

This makes A LOT of dressing. I usually cut the recipe in half, and we still have enough for 3 humongous salads.

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