Sunday, July 29, 2012

Avo Eggrolls with Sweet Cilantro Sauce

1 word: Yum!

The mix of flavors is absolutely amazing!!! Thanks to Pinterest for the initial idea, and to my husband for adding to and making it ours!

Avocado Filling
4-5 avocados, diced
1/4 c red onions, diced
1/4 c sundried tomatoes, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 c chopped cilantro (can include stem)
1-2 t sea salt (to taste)
juice from 1/2 lime

Saute onions, tomatoes and garlic in a dab of coconut oil until fragrant. Combine remaining ingredients and fill eggroll wrappers, using water to seal edges. Fry in coconut oil.

Cilantro Dipping Sauce
1 c cilantro
1/2 c sweetener (agave, maple syrup, honey, combination of the 3)

1 T sucanut
1 t cumin
1/2  pepper
4 t raw apple cider vinegar
1 t balsamic vinegar
2 T olive oil
optional: small handful of raw cashews (will make the sauce creamy), clove of garlic, squeeze of lime, pinch saffron
Blend in blender until smooth.

Serve eggrolls with dipping sauce and close your eyes to pick out all the amazing flavors!

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