Monday, February 3, 2014

Quinoa with Pomegranite & Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

We got tired of quinoa for a little while, but I admit I perked up immediately when I saw this recipe because we LOVE pomegranate seeds! I changed it around some so that it's more fruity, and added some creamy avocado on the side. Mmmmmmm!
Pomegranate Quinoa Pilaf
3-4 T Vegetable broth
1/2 medium onion, diced small
1 c quinoa
2 c vegetable broth
1 c pomegranate seeds
1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 T olive oil, cold pressed
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 t fresh lemon zest
1 t sweetener (I used part agave and part vegetable glycerin)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2-3/4 c roasted pumpkin seeds (see below)
sliced avocado, if desired

Heat 3-4 T vegetable broth in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-high heat. Saute the onion until translucent and fragrant. Add the quinoa and stir to coat. Add 2 cups of vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed and the quinoa is tender.

In a large mixing bowl, combine olive oil, pomegranate seeds, parsley, lemon juice, zest, and sweetener. Add the quinoa and season with salt, and pepper to taste. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds over it and garnish with sliced avocado if desired.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Green Smoothie

I was talking with a friend today about celery. This friend expressed complete abhorrence for the stuff. I laughed, because I remember hating it myself...until I tried organic celery for the first time. I swear it tastes totally different from the conventional stuff, and I haven't ever gone back.

Celery flushes out excess bodily fluids and has anti-inflammatory properties-so it's another great food if you struggle with inflammation.

Hippocrates stated that celery helps with stress. What? Okay, let me explain. It has a high concentration of alkaline minerals, which means that our bodies don't have to work as hard to lower the acidic state that we inflict upon it by so many of the foods that we eat. Celery contains calcium, magnesium and potassium, and helps lower blood pressure. It relaxes the muscles around the arteries and aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. Plus on top of all of that (and more!) they are high in B vitamins, folate, iron and amino acids.

So...what do I say to this friend who can't stand even the texture of celery? Throw some in a smoothie. Problem solved.

My New Favorite Green Smoothie That I Drink EVERY DAY!
1 1/2 c filtered water
1 head of romaine lettuce, rinsed and coarsely chopped
2-3 handfuls organic spinach, rinsed
2 stalks celery, rinsed and roughly chopped
1 apple, cored
1 banana
juice from 1/2 lemon
frozen fruit of your choice (my favorite lately has been pineapple and strawberries)

In a high-powered, blender, blend the water, greens, and celery until very smooth. Add the remaining ingredients, fresh fruit first followed by frozen. Blend until smooth. Store in fridge. Drink within 48 hours.

Veggie Korma

Yes, this is another Indian food post. What can I say? We LOVE it! I spoke briefly about the benefits of turmeric here, but I wanted to continue that discussion in this post. Turmeric has an antioxidant in it called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory effects. I have a lot of friends who struggle with inflammation, and turmeric has been proven to help with this when consumed on a regular basis.

It also helps clean the blood, keeping the red blood cells from clumping, promoting their formation and increasing circulation and tissue healing. Another benefit of clean blood? Glowing skin. :)

Veggie Korma
*adapted slightly from Kimberly Snyder

5-6 T + 3 1/2 c vegetable broth (divided)
1 onion, diced
1 t minced fresh ginger
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 can coconut milk
2 T tomato paste
sprinkle of cayenne pepper
1 1/2 t coriander, ground
1/2 t turmeric
1/2 t garam masala
1 t curry
sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
2 T arrowroot powder
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1 cauliflower, cut into bite size florets
4 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 T nutritional yeast
2 T fresh lime juic
cooked quinoa or brown rice
chopped parsley, optional garnish

Heat 5-6 T broth in large saucepan. Sauce onion, ginger and garlic until soft and fragrant. Stir in coconut milk, tomato paste and remaining vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Add spices and stir well. Put a cup of mixture in a bowl and whisk in the arrowroot powder until thick and free of lumps. Add back to the main pot and stir well. Allow mixture to simmer down for 45 minutes until thick and creamy.

Cook rice or quinoa.

Heat water to a boil and steam the sweet potatoes about 8-10 minutes. Remove; steam cauliflower and carrots 5-7 minutes or until they soften, but retain their firmness. 

After 45 minutes, add the nutritional yeast, lime juice and veggies to the sauce. Stir well and simmer for 5 additional minutes. Adjust seasonings if desired and serve over quinoa or brown rice. Garnish with parsley if desired.