Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quinoa & Veggies

Quinoa & Veggies
1 1/2 c quinoa, soaked for several hours and rinsed well
3 c filtered water
1-2 c frozen (non-GMO) corn
1 red pepper, diced
1 avocado, diced with a sprinkle of sea salt (if your fam loves avo, increase to 2. I had to hide this in my salad to I stuck with 1)
sprouts of your choice
herbs of yours choice (cilantro & dill are good. lemon thyme is a new one that would be very tasty!)
1/4 c fresh lime juice
1 T olive oil
2 T low sodium tamari
1 T brown rice vinegar

Bring water to boil and add quinoa (and 3/4 t vegetable broth powder if desired). Simmer about 10-15 minutes and drain. Set aside to cool a bit. Combine with all but last 4 ingredients in a bowl. Blend last 4 ingredients together and pour over quinoa mix. Stir until combined well. Yummy cold, at room temp, or with quinoa still warm.

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