Sunday, September 30, 2012

Peanut Butter Eggs

Peanut Butter "Eggs"
  • 3/4 cup of a good quality peanut butter
  • few dashes of sea salt
  • 3/4 cup powdered Sucanut (put in blender and grind into powder)
  • 6 T raw cacao powder
  • 6 T virgin coconut oil, warmed to liquid
  • 6 T maple syrup
Mix the first three ingredients together in a bowl until it becomes a crumbly dough. (Note: if your nut butter is from the fridge, let it sit awhile.) Add salt or sucanut to taste. Form dough into flat little ovals (or egg shapes, but real Reeses eggs are flat). Freeze the dough for an hour or so, until it’s hard.

Meanwhile, mix the cacao and coconut oil. Add the maple syrup. Mix until it looks like chocolate sauce, and then take one “egg” out of the freezer at a time (so the rest stay cold) and cover in chocolate. (I used a corn-cob skewer.) Immediately return covered egg to the freezer and let harden. Store in freezer.

You can thaw a little before eating, or eat when frozen–either way, they’re awesome!

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