Friday, May 6, 2011

Blueberry Flax Muffins

Wow. That's all I gotta say. I'm not even following this to the letter cause I'm breastfeeding and needing some more calories, but wow. Some of the reactions my body has had on it's desire to rid itself of toxins are: nausea, extreme fatigue, issues with mood stability, frequent urination, bloating, restless sleep.
It's been really hard, but I'm on day 3, already lost 4 pounds, and today has already been a lot better then the previous two.
Emotional cleanse? I've been doing pretty good with this. It really has helped me to take a few minutes to myself every day. I need to start leaving the house a little more. Those days seem to make all the difference. Looking forward to some warmer weather next week-a walk sounds so delightful!
Spiritual-I missed yesterday! Boo to me, but I'm not going to beat myself up. Right? Right!!! I'll pick it back up today. I'm not doing as well with praying on my knees, but I will also do better starting today.

I've loved hearing some of your goals. A few folks have emailed me with them, and I just love the enthusiasm-it's contagious! So, thank you so much!

On another note, I have been to 2 of the 3 Mother's day celebrations at my kiddos' school this week. My last one is this afternoon. It has been so much fun! My favorite things were the letter written to me by my 10 year old, my stats written by my kindergartner-including my 26 feet of height and 250 lb weight, and the excited face of my 8 year old-ready for me to come and be with him. I'm so excited! Since our family is still holding true to the no-sugar thing, I made some Blueberry Flax Muffins. The texture was different, but the kids LOVED THEM! I'm sure I'll make them again. We were able to share these together during the celebration to avoid the sugary junk that was being offered.
The recipe is from Green Smoothie Girl, and I made the bean flour by just blending up some white beans in my BlendTec. The muffins will rise more and be lighter and more digestible if you soak the grains overnight as described in the instructions.

3 C warm water
3½ C whole-wheat flour (finely ground soft white wheat is best)
½ C white bean flour
2 eggs (organic, free-range)
½ C yogurt or kefir (or whey)
1 1/2 C Sucanat
2 tsp. vanilla
½ C melted coconut oil
1 Tbsp. aluminum-free baking powder (reduce by half if you soak grains overnight)
½ C flax seeds, freshly ground
1 tsp. sea salt
2½ C blueberries, fresh or frozen
Combine the water, flours, flax, and yogurt. Cover and let the mixture sit overnight or all day (this is an optional step to eliminate phytates). Add all remaining ingredients except the blueberries and mix thoroughly.
Gently fold in the blueberries. Bake in lined or greased muffin tins, 2/3 full, for 25 minutes at 400°. Makes about 3 dozen muffins.

1 comment:

bethanyp said...

Way to be prepared with the muffins at the celebration! So proud of all you're doing. Those muffins sound delicious! And way to go husband and 299 others from Nashville. That's amazing. Hope you remain safe where you are. Loves ya!