Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chocolate Muffins

Happy Mother's Day all of you who are mothers or will be someday! It's warm and sunny and beautiful here today....with the very small exception of my little 6 year old who is running a fever, achy and coughing. Bleh. I'm hoping with a little extra greens coming her way tonight it will help her body fight it off!

I didn't have a traditional Mother's Day with the husband who makes breakfast in bed, blahbity blah....instead, I have the gift of a husband who has a desire to help others. He and 300 others in our Church from the Nashville area are in Alabama right now helping with the clean up efforts from the multiple tornadoes that hit a few weeks ago. If you aren't aware of it, do a search for Tuscaloosa tornado. There was one in particular that left a wake of 200 miles of damage. It was mind boggling! I was so thrilled to find out that from Nashville area alone, 300 men volunteered, and nearly that many wives were happy to let their husbands go on Mother's Day weekend. From what my husband says, the devastation is overwhelming, and yet the simple acts of gratitude of the people they have been able to help has been so humbling. I'm grateful.

So, during this cleanse, I have to say that there have definitely been ups and downs. Nothing feels as good as drinking pure veggies and fruits for a few days, I have to admit. It really is amazing! I was determined, however, to have something chocolatey on Mother's Day. Check out this baby! I haven't tasted it yet, but my house smells absolutely heavenly! Our weekly tradition is to have a treat on Sunday evenings, and I'm so grateful to find things without sugar to serve as a treat.

Chocolate Muffins
1/2 c water
2 1/2 cups freshly ground whole grain flour
1 c buttermilk
1 c unsweetened applesauce (I made this from scratch in my BlendTec-see below!)
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla (or 1 tsp almond extract and 1 tsp vanilla)
3/4 c cocoa (raw, preferrably)
3/4 c agave nectar
2 tsp stevia
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sea salt
Almonds or walnuts, optional

Mix 1st 4 ingredients and let sit overnight (or all day). The next morning, stir in next 5 ingredients, first with a spoon and then with a hand mixer. Stir in (with a spoon) the baking soda and sea salt and mix until just blended, then let it sit for 10-20 minutes while oven preheats to 400.
Fill muffin tins (either oiled or lined with muffin liners) 3/4 full. Sprinkle with nuts if desired, and let bake for 20 minutes or until they spring back when touched. Makes 2 dozen.

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