Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dark Chocolate Black Bean Brownies

3 eggs
1/2 C raw chocolate powder
1/2 C raw walnuts
1 T vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 T coconut oil
1 C agave
2 c black beans (rinsed, especially if canned)
1/2 C dark chocolate chunks
1/4 tsp sea salt
Preheat oven to 325. Spray a 11x13 pan or line with parchment paper. Put all ingredients except 1/4 cup walnuts and chocolate chunks in high powered blender and hit batters. If you don't have a high power blender, blend the eggs, agave and black beans, and then add the rest of the ingredients to blend.

Pour the mixture in the pan and sprinkle with choc chunks and remaining walnuts. Bake until middle is set, about 45 minutes. Let cool completely before cutting.

**Note, this tastes best served cold, so keep in the fridge.

The texture of this is very different, but it is very tasty!

Thanks, GSG!

P.S. I saved some for my 6 year old so that she didn't feel pressured to eat Ice Cream tomorrow for her Ice Cream day. She's excited to have brownies!

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