Sunday, June 26, 2011

Homemade Peanut Butter

Bethany, this one is for YOU!
I have always been a lover of peanut butter. However, the more I read about what is in the PB sold in the stores, I cringe!

Peanuts in general hold a lot of toxins in them, so of itself Jif, Peter Pan and Skippy will take the cake in filling your body with unwanted junk. That aside, check out the ingredient list. You figure, it's peanut butter, it's made of peanuts, right? Wrong! In addition to peanuts, check out all the oils and unpronounceable words on the label! Most PB's have rapeseed oil in it. In it's pure form, it is toxic for human consumption because it is at least 50% erucic acid. This acid has been known to create fatty deposits around the hearts of animals. Now, there has been a rapeseed plant modification that supposedly lowers the amount of acid, but once this oil is brought to the high temperatures prior to adding it to food, it turns rancid-therefore carcinogenic (and full of free radicals). It has been linked to many other health hazards, as well. 
Try researching some of the other things in peanut butter....

Enter the high power blender. Mwah! I love it! Add 2 1/2 cups of peanuts, and blend at speed 5. With a spatula, push the peanuts towards the blade, and start it again, up to speed 5. Repeat over and over until you reach the desired consistency. It usually takes me 5-6 times. Oh, and don't forget the sea salt, to taste. Store in fridge. It is SOOOOOO good!
(I actually have to hide it in the fridge, or my hubby goes hog wild over it!)

Ingredients? Just peanuts, thank you.

1 comment:

bethanyp said...

Can't wait for a BlendTec! I LOVE PB. I do enjoy Adam's Natural PB. It doesn't contain all those nasty oils. So that's gonna hafta do till I get a BlendTec. Thanks for all the info too, you researcher you. :)