Sunday, July 31, 2011

Coconut Popcorn

Does anyone else love this stuff as much as I do?
I just can't get enough of it! Reminds me of Sunday nights as a child, and I learned to eat it fast or else my brothers ate it ALL! :) Well, I was determined to find a healthier way to make it. Did you know that popcorn is one of the few foods that cannot be genetically modified? Love that! So, sometimes for a meal we have smoothies and coconut popcorn, or of course, I make it for movie night. On rare occasions that we go to the movies, we sneak it in. :)

Pop popcorn in a popper or over the stove. (Or you can pop 1/4 cup in a paper bag, fold it closed, and put it in the microwave until the popping slows-this is what I usually do, and about 4-5 batches to be enough for our family).
Take 1-3 Tablespoons (depending on the amount of popcorn) of virgin unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil, liquified, and pour over the corn. Stir well and sprinkle with sea salt.

*to liquify the oil, put desired amount in a container and place container in warm water. Usually during the summer it stays a liquid, whereas during the winter it is more solid.

Let's talk about coconut oil. There are very few oils and fats that are actually good and healing for your body. A big one is avocado, and there are so many wonderful properties that I wish I liked it! (I do occasionally put 1/2 in a smoothie, and can't taste it). Coconut oil is AMAZING! It got a lot of flack many years ago because it is a saturated fat. However, it is cholesterol free and trans-fatty acid free, and has been shown to lower cholesterol and stimulate the thyroid function. It is easily emulsified during digestion without burdening the liver or gall bladder. Virgin coconut oil also has medium-chain-length fatty acids (or triglycerides). Next to breast milk, coconut oil is the best natural source of medium-chain-length fatty acids. These have many health benefits including:

-raising metabolism
-acting as an antifungal agent
-acting as an antibacterial agent
-acting as an antiviral agent

Coconut oil has many healing properties as well, and is a beautiful moisturizer for your body. I use it on my legs, arms, knees and elbows. Oh, and my feet. :)

Mountain Rose Herbs (see link on the right side of the blog) has the best coconut oil for your buck, and they sell it in huge quantities. We just bought the 5 gallon bucket! I'm so excited!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I made this the other day. So glad you introduced it to me... sooooo good.